Ready For Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)!

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Hope Home Care Services is happy to announce our EVV participation! Our caregivers are now able to use an app to clock-in and clock-out, while having access to care information that can help them perform their tasks more effectively.

What is EVV?
– Electronic Visit Verification is a way to verify the location that care is being provided. There are multiple ways to accomplish this: Mobile/Web based application, Telephony (the use of a phone and a specific pin to verify services), and in some cases a fob can be used to verify location. We have found that the app based verification is the easiest and most beneficial.

– There are many benefits to having EVV in place. The app we use in particular allows for streamlining care. Through the app, caregivers will be able to communicate care needs instantly and report any needed changes. It also allows family members to view the care being provided as well as communicate any additional needs.

– EVV was initially introduced as a requirement by Virginia Medicaid for all participating patients. The deadline to meet this requirement was October 1st, 2019. However, that has been delayed to January 1st, 2020. This delay was to provide more time to other agencies that were not in compliance. It also allows agencies like ours to provide more training to our caregivers to make sure that these systems are working properly. Since we are in compliance ahead of schedule, we will be using this extra time to assist patients and caregivers get used to this system.