Holiday Lights Safety

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Almost everyone is done decorating their homes for the holiday season. Make sure to double check the kind of lights you are using. Many people are not aware of this, but there are different types of lights you should be using for indoor/outdoor use!

  1. Make sure you have the right lights!
    • A lot of people forget to check, but on most lights it’ll say whether or not they should be used indoors or outdoors. 
  2. Use the right extension cords!
    • Just like with holiday lights, there are different types of extension cords you should be using! Most outdoor extension cords will have a grounded line (3-prong). In addition if you have a splitter adapter at the end of it, make sure it also says that it is good for outdoor use. It may be shocking, but sometimes you should not use outdoor extension cords indoors. If it says outdoor only, save it for some outdoor lights instead. 
  3. Be careful when hanging lights
    • It should go without saying, but a lot of people forget to take proper precautions when hanging lights. You shouldn’t go on the roof without proper safety equipment and you should make sure the ladder is on a flat and even surface and that it is secured. It’d be wise to have a helper with you. 
  4. Check all the lights work before you put them up. 
    • It should seem that all the lights that worked last year should work this year, but that isn’t always the case. 
  5. Double check to make sure there isn’t anything in the sockets
    • If you only use the lights/extension cords once a year, you should make sure nothing is stuck in the sockets (make sure that they aren’t plugged in!).