Gift Ideas For Seniors

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We asked seniors within our community for what they wanted for Christmas. Surprisingly it’s nothing too expensive. I think everyone can give them the number one gift on this list.


10. Key Finder – This one may seem a bit silly at first, but based on how many times I lose my keys on a regular basis, it’s a great idea!

9. Socks- This one is sweet and simple. Socks used to be a terrible gift growing up, but a new pair of socks would make a great gift. Especially because you can customize them.

8. Slippers- Help your loved ones stay warm inside the home. This would make a great gift for anyone with hardwood floors!

7. Hat or a beanie (maybe even get a set)- Help keep them warm whenever they go out and about.

6. Blanket- Help keep them warm at night. A new fresh blanket is always a great idea, especially if you customize it. Be wary of heating blankets, however.

5. CD or a Playlist- Make them a CD or a playlist of their favorite songs. Don’t be afraid to slip in some of yours, too!

4. Customized Ornaments- Make them holiday ornaments for there tree. You can get one from the store and decorate it yourself. It’ll let them know that you were thinking about them.

3. Photo Album- Make them a photo album filled with photos of you and them along with the rest of your family. You can even get digital photo frames that’ll play the photos in a loop!

2. Movie Tickets- This one also seems a bit silly, but now you’ll have an excuse to spend time together with your favorite family member.

1. Spending Time With Them- Number 2 seems silly at first, but the number one thing all seniors asked for is time with you. They’d love to get more visits from their family members. Make a plan with them and go somewhere together, or better yet, beat the cold and spend some quality time with them at home.


Happy Holidays!

Hope Home Care
4041 University Dr, Ste 200G
Fairfax VA, 22030

703-359- HOPE (4673)